Dental Emergencies Even on A Saturday

Dental Emergency in NW Calgary

Dental emergencies can occur anytime without warning. However, when they occur on a weekend they can make the patient wonder whether an emergency dentist will be able to provide them assistance. This can be a stressing moment for the patient because most dentists prefer not to work on a weekend after going through the rigors of the week. However, if they research for Saturday dentist in Calgary, AB they can find the help needed because of the unexpected dental emergency even during the weekend.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

Every dental situation cannot be considered as an emergency. You need to determine whether you can wait to be checked by your dentist or a visit to the ER or an emergency dentist is needed by asking yourself some questions.

  • Are you suffering from severe pain and bleeding? This is a sign of an emergency.
  • Have you lost a tooth? Treatment received quickly and potentially save the tooth.
  • Are your teeth loose? Adults should not be losing teeth and even a loose tooth with or without pain should be considered as a dental emergency.
  • Do you have an infection? Abscesses or serious infections in your mouth can be life-threatening and therefore the treatment should not be delayed. You may notice swelling or knots on your gums and around the face.
  • Are you bleeding from the mouth? This is a potential indicator of an emergency.

Generally any dental problem regardless of whether it is related to general dentistry or cosmetic dentistry that needs immediate treatment for preventing bleeding, alleviating pain or saving a tooth can be considered as an emergency. Severe infections that are life-threatening can also be considered as emergency dentistry. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above it is suggested that you call your dentist immediately to provide an explanation of the reasons behind the call. If the problem has occurred on a weekend you will have no option but to look for a dentist that is working on a Saturday.

Common Types of Dental Emergencies

If you are suffering from any of the following dental situations here is what you need to know how to care for the problem until you can reach an emergency dentist.

  • If you have and knocked out tooth your dentist will be able to reinsert and preserve your tooth if you reach him or her on time. You must, however, pick up the tooth carefully by the crown or top ensuring you do not touch the root, carefully rinse it without scrubbing and try to reinsert the tooth in the socket. If you cannot reinsert it we suggest that you place the tooth in a small container of milk and attempt to reach the dentist quickly to enhance the opportunities of saving the tooth.
  • It can be painful if you have a serious fracture with chipped or cracked teeth but you are advised to clean your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress on the outside of your face to prevent the swelling. You can take acetaminophen for the pain but stay away from a painkiller or numbing gel because your gums could be damaged.
  • A dental abscess can be considered as a severe and life-threatening condition whereby a pocket of pus in the tooth would have led to the infection. The abscess may be causing you to be feverish, tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, tender lymph nodes in your neck, swelling in your face, a tiny bump on your gums near the infected to along with a persistent toothache. This condition should be considered as an emergency because the infection can spread to the jaw and surrounding tissue and other parts of the body. You can rinse your mouth with mild saltwater to reduce the pain before you reach the dentist. It will also help you draw the pus to the surface.

Avoiding Potential Dental Emergencies

Avoiding potential dental emergencies by staying proactive with your oral hygiene and having routine checkups with your dentist is recommended. Your dentist will be checking for loose fillings and crowns along with signs of decay and gum disease.

A treatment plan customized for you can be created to address these problems before they develop into an emergency. You must also pay attention to what your teeth and body are telling you and look for signs that may indicate you are heading towards an emergency. Despite having a comprehensive dental hygiene routine to prevent most unwanted situations dental emergencies can happen when they are least expected on a weekend. However, you can now rest assured because dentists are prepared to work on Saturdays and attend to any emergencies they may be confronted with.

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